Trusted by Global Leaders

Our solutions are trusted by major organizations such as Google, Microsoft, GE, and Capital One, who rely on us to secure their deprecated open source software projects.
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What is HeroDevs'
Never-Ending Support (NES)?

Continuos Compatibility
Proactive Threat Defense

Vulnerability Remediation

When your open source library goes end-of-life, your business becomes exposed to security threats. With Never-Ending Support, you’ll benefit from proactive security updates, sometimes even before vulnerabilities are widely disclosed. Our team partners closely with you to rapidly assess and address potential risks, helping to keep your systems secure and up-to-date.
HeroDevs has remediated over 104 CVEs across our portfolio of end-of-life open source products, ensuring continuous security and compliance for our clients.
Early detection vulnerability
Seamless Integration

Continuous Compatibility

HeroDevs Never-Ending Support keeps your end-of-life open-source applications fully compatible with modern browsers, key third-party libraries, and diverse server environments. Seamless updates ensure your web applications stay stable, secure, and functional, no matter how fast the ecosystem evolves.
Only 39% of companies feel their IT infrastructure is fully ready to manage future security risks
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Stramlined package distribution
Easy to Install

Streamlined Package Distribution

HeroDevs’ secure software packages integrate effortlessly with your existing build tools and CI/CD pipelines, ensuring a smooth transition to Never-Ending Support that only takes minutes. With compatibility across popular repository managers like Artifactory, distributing updates becomes a streamlined process—reducing downtime and keeping your systems current.
Maven logoNpm logoGradle logojFrog Artifactory logoNodeJS logo
Early detection vulnerabilityContinuos CompatibilityStramlined package distribution
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Secure & Compliant

Ensuring Full Compliance and Security

Never-Ending Support ensures your end-of-life open-source software stays fully compliant with industry standards like HIPAA, PCI, SOC2 and FedRAMP. With ongoing security updates and a commitment to audit readiness, you can rest easy knowing your systems remain compliant, secure, and ready for any inspection.
DSS Compliance badgeGDPR badgeHIPAA Compliant badgeSOC 2 TYPE 1 badgeFedRAMP badge
44% of critical IT infrastructure is nearing end of life,
pushing businesses to act before regulations catch up
Featured Products

Security for the Web’s
Most Popular EOL Projects


Loved by Our Customers

"The HeroDevs team used to run all of AngularJS. They're leaders in the community and have a lot of the original AngularJS talent from Google. They built the expertise, have a great product, and have never missed an SLA."
"We have tooling to track how we spend engineering dollars. Before HeroDevs, our estimate was 2.2 FTEs just patching our app every year, inlcuding testing, and everything else. That's more than just Angular library, it's peripheral libraries as well that HeroDevs supports. It's safe to say it's a fulltime job for 1 FTE: $200k/yr. vs. paying HeroDevs 35K."
"HeroDevs is critical for our web applications. Without HeroDevs, we would face significant business continuity risks. HeroDevs acts like a private warranty for our software."
"The peace of mind we get from knowing our framework is maintained by experts is invaluable."

Partnering with the Open Source Web

HeroDevs partners directly with open source maintainers and authors to ensure longevity and sustainability in open source. When you buy HeroDevs Never-Ending Support, you’re contributing back to those authors and maintainers. A portion of all product sales gets donated back to authors and maintainers to fund the next generation of open source on the web.
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