Upgrade on Your Schedule: Secure & Support Legacy Software Effortlessly
Future-Proof Your Business: Secure and Support Legacy Software Without Disruption
Upgrading on Your Terms
I love using new software. I’ve worked in IT my entire career, and the pace of change is exciting. There are constantly new things to learn and better ways to solve problems. Some of the world’s smartest people are solving some of the hardest problems with software, and it’s really fun to get caught up in that.
As a software engineer, I loved coding with the latest and greatest technologies. As an engineering manager, I did my best to remove obstacles so people reporting to me could experiment with the latest technology. When I worked on the Spring team, I helped build cutting-edge software used by millions around the globe. Overall, I have always tried to be at the forefront of software, and I think you should do the same.
Enterprise Software: The Tradeoff Game
Rarely, if ever, have I been responsible for a single application in my career. There are some applications I love and some that I would love to retire. So, while I always personally strive to stay on the cutting edge, reality is more nuanced.
No matter how much we want to stay on the latest version of everything, real-world constraints get in the way. Business needs, legacy systems, and limited engineering capacity often mean that some applications lag behind, sometimes by years.
In a perfect world, we’d upgrade everything, all the time. Maybe we’ll get there someday, but not today.
Progress Without Disruption
That’s where HeroDevs comes in.
At HeroDevs, we sell support for end-of-life (EOL) software; paradoxically, that’s one of the best ways to help companies adopt the latest and greatest technology. By providing secure drop-in replacements for older frameworks, we give you back the most precious resource of all: time.
HeroDevs lets you decide what is worthy of investment. Find the areas of your business that generate differentiating value and focus your efforts there. When you do that, you are likely saying no to investment in many other existing applications. That is where we shine. HeroDevs helps companies move forward without worrying about or breaking what works today. You can stay secure and compliant with your old software, enabling you to go after the next big thing.
HeroDevs: Helping You Move Forward
Look at the applications you support and think about how you are investing your time. If there is an old application that is draining your time and energy because it is using out-of-date software, give us a call. We have a large and growing portfolio of products we support.
Take back your time by upgrading on your schedule.