Simple license pricing for every company

Select Category
Select NES Product
Vue 2 NES
Angular NES
Drupal 7 NES
jQuery NES
Bootstrap NES
Protractor NES
AngularJS NES


Up to 100 Seats

Billed annually. Priced per seat.

4 seats – additional seats available
Continuous vulnerability scanning
Modern browser compatibility
14-day critical path SLA


100 Seats and Over

Billed annually. Priced per seat.

Includes 100 seats
Continuous vulnerability scanning
Modern browser compatibility
14-day critical path SLA
Dedicated account manager
Want to become an NES reseller?
Contact us to speak to one of our partnership experts about how reselling HeroDevs products could work for you.


Frequently Asked Questions
Get answers to some of our most commonly asked questions.
Of course, if you can't find the answer you're looking for, feel free to contact us.
What does a license cover?
Which of my team members need a license?
What happens if team members leave or join after we’ve purchased licenses?
How are licenses tracked? Do you install a license server?
Do you have multi-year license options?
Do you offer discounts for nonprofits, open source companies, or educational institutions?
How hard is it to get this through our InfoSec and Legal procurement process?
Some of the factors that make onboarding easy are:
Do I pay extra for development, staging, etc. environments?
How does intellectual property for NES libraries work?